

Last night Barak Obama returned to Eugene to address the townsfolk at the U of O campus. He’d been there

April Snow

So, it’s starting to get a little ridiculous. This is what I saw when I got up this morning. Or,


A Seattle blogger coined a great term for the odd season in between Winter and Spring. “Unsprung.” Perfect. One week


Saturday was an absolutely beautiful day. Supposedly it got all the way up to 74, which felt more like high

Snowed In

This weekend we had the most snow we’ve ever experienced living here in Eugene. We’re talking a lot of snow,

Bike Town

Well, I’ve been riding my bike! I’ve worked out a route to go from home, down the more gradual descent,

More Blueberries

I made freezer jam out of my blueberries. It came out yummy! The pectin package, which has detailed instructions for

U Pick

I feel like a real Oregonian now. I have been blueberry-picking! CG and her daughter A had invited me to