

Today was World Wide Knit in Public day. Luckily it was also a Sunny Weather day, otherwise knitting in Eugene

Weird Gourmet

My friend LL has been sharing her locally-farmed-weekly-produce-box with me. She found they sent stuff in the box that she’s


Last night Barak Obama returned to Eugene to address the townsfolk at the U of O campus. He’d been there


… as in the movie, a 6-episode mini series. We thoroughly enjoyed it – and the book is totally amazing;

Floppy Hat

This is another comfy hat for my friend CG who is on the home stretch for her chemotherapy. Some ladies

April Snow

So, it’s starting to get a little ridiculous. This is what I saw when I got up this morning. Or,


There’s a woman at my church, LS, who loves to throw elaborately themed parties. Last night, her home was transformed


A Seattle blogger coined a great term for the odd season in between Winter and Spring. “Unsprung.” Perfect. One week