
What are the chances?!

The other night we were eating dinner and talking about Probability. BN was explaining something to me about Random Graphs and I was bringing up all kinds of complications you’d run into in trying to describe the Internet as an example of this whole probability-related Graph thing. (Cause the Internet is not a simple net, now, is it?)

I was talking animatedly, while opening a new bottle of multivitamins. I managed to peel off the sealed for your protection thingy and dropped a pill out onto my placemat. Still talking, I reached for my bottle of calcium supplements and, without looking, tapped one into my hand then dropped it onto the table. BN’s eyes widened and he pointed at the spot. What I’m about to show you is NOT a posed photo. This happened by purely random chance (maybe not totally purely, we’d have to ask the probabilists): Check it out!


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