
The Big Three O

Birthday Roses

Yesterday I had a birthday party. I really wanted to do something significant because my 30th birthday is this week, coming up on Thursday. I haven’t had a party for a few years, not since I lived in the bay area and we had picnic birthdays at Vasona park. But up here you can’t count on nice days in mid-October, so we planned a drop-in party in our apartment. We were really worried that too many people would come at once and it would be uncomfortably crowded. But, everyone came in tidy little groups. BN’s mom was here, on a Thursday-to-Tuesday visit, and the most we had at one time was 8 of us. We served brownies, (baked with love by BN himself) and various kinds of ice cream with bananas and toppings for sundaes and root beer for floats. GK gave me beautiful white roses, and GC brought me the last of her homegrown flowers and a butternut squash from her garden. I got some lovely soaps, and a bottle of gourmet simmer sauce, along with various cards. It was a very pleasant day, and even the weather was quite cheerful.

So, how do I feel about turning 30? Well… I guess I might expect to feel upset, like my life is passing me by, but I really feel fine. I’m married to my best friend, we have the things we need, and I’m keeping busy with work and projects. I’ve basically spent most of my life (until recently) feeling like I was behind in growth. I always, always looked young for my age… and now that is starting to be a blessing rather than a curse. I make a better grownup than a kid, I was always struggling to “catch up.” Now, I feel quite caught up, thank you.

One comment

  1. Happy Birthday! I’m so glad you had a happy day. Yeah I always feel a little left behind. I love you!

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