
More Blueberries

I made freezer jam out of my blueberries. It came out yummy! The pectin package, which has detailed instructions for making many kinds of jam, emphatically warned me that I shouldn’t mess with the fruit-to-sugar ratio or else my jam wouldn’t jell. But, seeing that they called for 4 cups of fruit, 7 cups of sugar, and a cup of corn syrup to prevent sugar crystals… I decided to mess with it anyway. I used 2 cups of sugar with my 4 cups of coarsely pureed blueberries, and my jam came out fine. It’s quite firm, too, it just has a lot of runny juice along with it. So it’s not so great for peanut butter sandwiches, though if you eat ’em right away it’s OK. But excellent for other purposes such as a topping for pancakes or yogurt or ice cream or…

Even though my freezer was already laden with frozen whole blueberries, 3 jam jars and 4 yogurt cups full of jam, I decided to go blueberry picking again as I’d been invited by the K’s – GK and her daughters, M and A. Another friend, CO, came too. This time, the weather wasn’t nearly so hot, it was quite a cloudy day. The berry bushes were wilder, bushier, and more tangled. But, get this – the blueberries were twice as big as the ones I’d picked before, and those were big, too. Wow. I tried to restrain myself and not pick too many, because I’d run out of freezer space if I came back with another 6+ pounds of berries!

Team Blueberry

Team Blueberry

Berry Bush

Gotta pick ’em all!



Bucket of Berries

Aren’t they Bluetiful?

They're Huge!

Left: normal-sized berry. Right: GI-NORMOUS berry. Told ya.


  1. I LOVE blueberries! But they are so expensive in store. How much per pound in the picking? When are they in season? July? I only went cherries picking before. I have to check if there is blueberries picking here.

  2. Yeah, it definitely saves money to pick your own! it’s about 1-2 dollars a pound. But, I don’t know if they grow them in California. Maybe too hot and dry? But you should look into it. Maybe somewhere near the coast, where it’s cool and foggy. Here in Oregon they are in season in the mid-to-late summer.

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