
rock on!

Rainy Weather

You know, even though we’re stuck inside during a solid week of rain, we’ve been sustained by a bunch of new music. Have you heard of Pandora? Not the irresistable box of Greek myth fame, but a free Internet radio service. It’s pretty cool. The way it works is you tell it a musical artist or even just a song that you like, and it sets up a custom “radio station” for you with similar sounds. You can rate each song, like or dislike, and it’ll take that info to keep “tuning” the station. And you can have a ton of different stations, up to 100. (It beats the real radio by far, because there are no commercials, just ads on the web site, and they play much more than the same 20 songs!) It’s totally made my week, and if you’re bored over there with your same old tunes, check it out!

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