
Caution: Contains Cashews

CashewsI think my intelligence is being insulted here.

And yes, the crescent-shaped objects you can see through the clear-plastic jar are, indeed, cashews!

Oddly, the peanut oil doesn’t seem to count as an allergen. Seems like people with peanut allergies would be more concerned that it contains peanut oil than the remotely possible equipment contamination.


  1. Yes, your intelligence might be insulted, but you’re smart. The average person? Well, let’s just say that judging from the experiences I’ve had on the road (we won’t even TALK about Costco!), labels like that may be necessary. In other words? Evolution? What evolution? WE ARE NOT GETTING BETTER.

    How are you?

  2. Hey, I’m doing pretty well.

    Yeah… even if I believed in evolution (which I don’t) I’d still be of the opinion that all of our science and technology are making us dumber and weaker, not smarter and stronger.

    What if we had to walk outside and pick our own cashews? (rather driving down the road to Costco.) Then maybe those allergies would be naturally selected out of the picture. Huhm.

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