
What a messy life

OK, not shaping up to be such a great day. It’s that happy monthly ritual of writing checks to pay off all the people who let us live in our apartment, use electricity, make phone calls, and buy things with plastic.

After I’d balanced my checkbook against the online transaction list, written checks, tried one more time to find the credit card statement I’d misplaced, called to check my balance, noticed it was twice as high as usual, wracked my brain to remember what I’d bought that was so expensive, called the cc company back to verify my recent expenditures, and assured myself there wasn’t anything fishy there… I realized they hadn’t received my payment last month. So another round of calls, voided and re-wrote the payment check, ran it to the mailbox. I managed to get the late fee removed, but I had to pay a fee to stop payment on the check that had gotten lost in the mail.

All this took a lot more of my morning than I’d planned. You know what though? Praise the Lord, we are doing just fine. We have the huge blessing of zero debt. I know that is so rare for couples our age.

So now I’m really hungry. Munched some nuts, planning to make a smoothie after my shower. Smoothies are such a great breakfast – I make mine with frozen strawberries and bananas, orange juice concentrate, yogurt, and soymilk. The blender is usually so full that I fill up two cups – my nifty plastic-with-straw-valve-lid cups from Tupperware!

Everything was going great. Then I slipped putting the top on one of my cups and HALF of the smoothie landed on the FLOOR!!! Dinglebuckles!!! I hate cleaning and I hate wasting food. The waste couldn’t be helped, and guess what – the kitchen floor was way, way overdue for a mopping. So I did.

The scary thing is, this is not the first time this has occurred. Last time was worse, though – I was living in my tiny studio, and my friend PL was picking me up for a field trip to the city. She arrived just as I was putting the lid on my smoothie, and it exploded, shot across the room, and plastered PL with sticky pink goo. I was unscathed, but not my cupboard doors, floor, or carpet. Or, the fashionably dressed PL. She already knew I was a spazz but this was at the top of the list of dumb things I’d done in front of her. Sigh.

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