Chia Seed Drinks
The promise of chocolate chia pudding is powerful, but elusive. My attempts have produced a ropy mixture that is thicker than a shake but not pudding-like. (I’ve only used dairy milk so that might be the problem; the chia seed pudding recipes I’ve seen are mostly geared toward vegan or allergen-free audiences.) I tried blending it with my new immersion blender but it just broke up the seeds, didn’t make it smooth at all, rather, just brought the flavor and texture of the seeds more into focus. Not bad, but I prefer a fully drinkable “shake.”
Chocolate Chia Shake
In a pint Mason jar, use a fork to stir together 2 Tbsp cocoa powder, 1-2 Tbsp honey or maple syrup, 1/2 tsp vanilla, pinch salt, and a bit of milk (or a dairy alternative milk beverage) to help it smooth out. Heat briefly in the microwave if needed. Stir in more milk to make 1 cup, and then stir in 2 Tbsp chia seeds. Let stand a few minutes and stir again. When seeds are well-distributed through the liquid, refrigerate overnight, stirring again if you get a chance. Enjoy cold.
So far my favorite way to enjoy chia is in an herbal tea format.
Chia Tea Refresher
Put 2 Tbsp chia seeds in a pint Mason jar. Fill to the 1-cup line with lukewarm water, and stir well. Set aside and stir occasionally until lump free and the seeds are well-distributed through the liquid. Twist on a lid and refrigerate. Meanwhile, brew a small cup of tea in a half-pint jar. Use 1 or two teabags and only about 1/3 cup water, to make a concentrated tea. Use anything you’d enjoy drinking cold. I love hibiscus. Stir in honey or sugar while it is still warm. I also like to stir in a tsp of raw apple cider vinegar, gives it a nice tartness and a health boost. Lemon or lime juice would also be lovely. Refrigerate chia and tea separately for several hours or overnight, combine when ready to serve.
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